P.O. Box: 1403, P.C.: 133, South Azaiba, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

Medical Centres

Peace Land Medical Centre is another widely accepted Institution from the Peace Land Group with medical services and dental services in Muscat and Al Wusta Governorate. Peace Land Medical Center offers comprehensive healthcare services to the community. Our team of highly trained and experienced medical professionals are dedicated to providing exceptional care in a comfortable setting. We offer a wide range of services, including primary care, visa medical, Lab test and vaccination. With our commitment to excellence, we strive to make sure every visit is as pleasant as possible for our client employees.
The clinic is well equipped with the latest sophisticated machinery and can face any challenges in the health care aspect. Very competent Medical and Paramedical staff are being deployed to render services to the entire satisfaction of the nationals and the expatriates in the remote and capital region.
Medical Checkup including Lab test as per the specifications of PDO, OQ, Schlumberger, Oxy, Petrofac, Saipam, Vali, and Duqm refinery.
Drug and Alcohol test
Respiratory fit test.
Treadmill test, TRD -140 test
Vaccinations – Hep A, Hep B, Tetanus Toxoid, Covid-19
All other lab tests
Visa Medical Center


By explaining your treatment choices every step of the way we help you make informed decision. We treat you with honesty,compassion and respect. With our growing experience and successful treatments we have been serving our patients by solving their dental problems. PEACE LAND DENTAL was started with the unique concept of treatment planning where top priority is given to sterilization and patient information, consultation and explanation of treatment and the follow up after treatment. Right from the days of their establishment these clinics have strived and succeeded in providing quality dental care.


We provide Visa Medical Services, Pre-Employment and Periodical Medical Examinations for all the oilfield operators like PDO, OXY, OQ, Daleel Petroleum, Hydrocarbon, Saipem, CCED etc.
The list of services provided are: -

Schlumberger Medical Checkup
PDO Medical Checkup
Visa Medical Checkup
Oxy Medical Checkup
OQ Medical Checkup
Respiratory FIT Test
Drug & Alcohol Tests
Laboratory, X-Ray & ECG services